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From zero to thousands: Building and growing your email list (Part 1)

As a fitness business owner, building a strong email list is crucial for engaging potential clients and maintaining relationships with current members. This blog post covers effective strategies for collecting email addresses online and offline, growing your subscriber base with incentives and partnerships, and leveraging content marketing to keep your audience engaged. Learn how to use email marketing as a powerful tool to drive growth and connect with your community.

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TJ Kim


July 17, 2024

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As a fitness business owner, you know the importance of building strong relationships with your members. But what about those potential clients who haven't walked through your doors yet? That's where email marketing comes in, and it all starts with a solid email list.

Let's face it: in today's digital age, your email list is like your fitness business's secret weapon. It's a direct line to people who are interested in what you have to offer, whether they're longtime members or curious newcomers. But how do you build that list from scratch and keep it growing? Let's dive in.

Why email lists matter

First things first: why should you care about building an email list? Well, imagine having a way to reach hundreds or even thousands of potential clients at the touch of a button. You could share new class schedules, promote special offers, or simply stay connected with your community. That's the power of a well-maintained email list.

Unlike social media, where your posts might get lost in the shuffle, emails land directly in your subscribers' inboxes. It's personal, it's targeted, and it works. Studies show that email marketing can generate $42 for every $1 spent. That's a return on investment that's hard to beat!

But the power of an email list goes beyond just email marketing. Here are a few more ways you can leverage your email list to grow your fitness business (we’ll dive deeper into each of these topics in future blog posts):

1. Custom audience targeting: Upload your email list to ad platforms like Facebook and Google to create custom audiences and serve targeted ads.

2. Lookalike audiences: Use your email list to create lookalike audiences on social media platforms, allowing you to reach users with similar characteristics to your existing clients.

3. Customer retargeting: Implement retargeting strategies to re-engage users who have interacted with your brand but haven't converted.

4. Survey and feedback: Send surveys to gather feedback and insights directly from your customers, helping you improve your services.

These strategies can help you maximize the value of your email list and enhance your overall marketing efforts.

Collecting emails: The online game

Now, let's talk about how to get those email addresses. In the digital world, your website is your best friend. Here are some tried-and-true strategies:

1. Opt-in forms: Place these strategically on your website. The footer, sidebar, and about page are all prime real estate. Keep it simple – name and email address are usually enough.

2. Pop-ups: Yes, some people find them annoying, but they work. The key is to time them right. Try a pop-up that appears when someone's about to leave your site, offering a free workout guide in exchange for their email.

3. Landing pages: Create dedicated pages for specific offers. Maybe it's a 7-day challenge or a nutrition plan. Make the value clear and watch those sign-ups roll in.

4. Blog content: If you're not blogging, start now. Offer exclusive content upgrades related to your blog posts. For example, if you write about the best post-workout meals, offer a free recipe book for subscribers.

Offline tactics that work

Don't forget about the old-school methods. They still pack a punch:

1. Sign-up sheets: Have these at your front desk or during events. A simple "Join our mailing list for exclusive offers" can work wonders.

2. Business cards: Include a QR code that leads to a sign-up page. It's quick, easy, and tech-savvy.

3. Text-to-Join: Set up a system where people can text a keyword to a number to join your list. Promote this during classes or on your gym's signage.

The easier it is for people to sign up or provide their information, the more likely they are to join your email list. Keep the process simple and accessible to maximize your sign-ups.

Growing your subscriber base

Got the basics down? Great! Now let's supercharge your growth:

1. Referral programs: Encourage your current subscribers to refer friends by offering incentives like a free class pass for every new sign-up they bring in. Referral programs are a powerful tool and are part of the broader concept of gamification. By introducing elements of competition and rewards, you can motivate your subscribers to actively participate and engage with your brand. This topic is rich with potential, and we'll dive deeper into the intricacies of gamification and how it can benefit your fitness business in future blog posts.

2. Social media integration: Use your social platforms to promote your email list. Tease exclusive content that's "email subscribers only."

3. Partnerships: Team up with local businesses. For instance, if you're a martial arts studio with a focus on teaching kids, partner up with local schools, playgyms, or daycare centers. These establishments can promote your email list to their customers, and you can do the same for them. Imagine offering a free introductory martial arts class for the students of a local school in exchange for promoting their after-school programs to your email list. It's a win-win situation that helps both businesses reach a broader audience and provides valuable services to the community.

4. Contests and giveaways: Everyone loves free stuff. Run a contest where signing up for your email list is an entry requirement.

People love the thrill of competition and the chance to win prizes. These strategies not only attract new subscribers but also create excitement and buzz around your brand.

Incentives that get results

Now, let's talk about the secret sauce: giving people a reason to hit that "subscribe" button. Here are some ideas that fitness enthusiasts can't resist:

1. Free trial class: Offer a complimentary session to new subscribers. It's a win-win – they get to try your services, and you get a chance to wow them in person.

2. Workout plans: Create a 30-day workout challenge that subscribers can do at home or in your gym.

3. Nutrition guides: Develop a simple meal plan or a collection of healthy recipes. Everyone's looking for quick, nutritious meal ideas.

4. Exclusive content: Offer subscribers-only videos, like form checks for common exercises or quick office workouts.

5. Early access: Give your email list first dibs on new classes or limited-time promotions. It makes them feel like VIPs.

People love free stuff and feeling like they are part of an exclusive club with special privileges. These incentives can significantly boost your subscription rates by making your audience feel valued and special.

Content marketing: The long game

Remember, building an email list isn't just about collecting addresses – it's about providing value. Use content marketing to keep your subscribers engaged:

1. Newsletter: Send a regular newsletter with fitness tips, success stories, and updates about your gym.

2. Blog posts: Share your expertise on fitness trends, nutrition advice, or mental health topics related to exercise. Regularly publishing high-quality blog posts not only keeps your subscribers informed and engaged but also boosts your website's SEO. By incorporating relevant keywords and providing valuable content, you can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential clients to find you online. 

3. Video content: Create short, informative videos on proper form, quick workouts, or healthy living tips. Leveraging video content is crucial as YouTube is now the second most used search engine, right after Google. Additionally, platforms like Instagram and TikTok reels are increasingly used as search tools for local businesses. Posting engaging, informative videos on these platforms can boost your visibility, attract local clientele, and drive traffic to your website and physical location.

4. Podcasts: Start a fitness podcast and use it to drive email sign-ups.

The key is consistency. Set a schedule for your content and stick to it. Your subscribers should look forward to hearing from you.

Unlocking the potential of your email list with MyStudio

Building and growing your email list takes time and effort, but it's worth it. Start small, be consistent, and always focus on providing value to your subscribers. Before you know it, you'll have a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts eager to hear from you – and maybe even become your next success story.

Remember, every email address represents a real person interested in what you have to offer. Treat your list with respect, and it will become one of your most valuable assets in growing your fitness business.

Need help with your email marketing automation? Schedule a call with MyStudio to see how we can customize our services to meet your needs and help you reach the right audience for your studio. Our platform offers powerful tools to manage and grow your email list effortlessly, ensuring your messages hit the mark every time. Your future members are just an email away, and we're here to help you connect with them effectively.

Stay tuned for part 2 of our email marketing series.

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